Reunion Rescue has been saving pit bulls for over 20 glorious years. We love these dogs and want to show the rest of the world how wonderful they are.
To reduce the number of unwanted pit bulls in America’s high kill shelters through a program of love, healthy feeding and positive training.
Company Overview
Reunion Rescue, home of the world’s friendliest pit bulls.
Reunion Rescue has a distinct plan which enables rescues to feed and treat their own dogs and cats.
Detox Protocol/Lo to No Vaccinations
Organic Free Range Raw Diet
Homeopathic and Holistic Treatment
Crate and Kong Training
Lots and Lots of Lovin’
Reunion Rescue and our sister organization Animals First Rescue are very proud of our 100% save rate. Our organization supports 0% euthanasia rate and 100% live release rate. Our mission is to share our success with other rescues and shelters.
We don’t believe that everyone should own a pit bull, but through Reunion Rescue’s program, anyone can share their life with a pit bull.